Timelines (2021), 36 x 48 inches
When you think about it, it’s quite amazing that we’re all sitting here at this moment.
Just from a purely physical standpoint, the countless stardust in space had to collide and congregate perfectly in the exact molecular composition to become what is now our bodies. Traveling through space, defeating all obstacles to reach this current place at this current time to become who we are now.
Metaphysically so many things that had to line up perfectly for us to be exactly who we are today. To be born, our parents, and their parents, and their parents before them all the way to the smallest amoeba had to have everything lined up for them perfectly for the conditions just right for us to be born. And then beyond that, out of all the infinite possibilities of what we could have gone through, we had to experience each unique event in our life to be ourselves, sitting here in this exact moment, looking at this painting and reading this exact sentence.
Beyond what could have been and what is, there are even more infinite timelines of who we can be and who we will become, just waiting for us to pick and choose what will be our future by deciding our actions today. Regardless of the path we choose, each one will have beautiful moments to come and painful moments just as intense as the ones that are beautiful. But having the courage to move forward into the unknown chaotic mess that is life, knowing that we can weather the painful times and savor the joyful ones, into the future of infinite possibility to shine just like the stars we’re made from, is what makes our lives so transiently beautiful.
Even in this chaotic mess and unknown future, regardless of however harrowing our past or present may be, we have the capability to choose who we want to be and become that person. We can learn to live our lives just the way we want it, as long as we’re armed with the right knowledge and have the right tenacity to follow through. Everyone has the potential to shine like the brightest star like the stardust our molecules are made of.