This gallery is here to say
You Are Not Alone
You are unique in your identity, what you’ve been through, and the things that make you you, but you are not alone. There are people out there who have felt the same emotions as you. And they are waiting. Waiting to meet you, to understand you, to be understood by you, and to be friends with you. So just hang on and wait because
It Will Get Better
I know it's hard to believe. Things seem miserable, whether it’s because of money, love, or your family. But things get better. And when they do, you’ll be able to open your eyes and truly believe that
Life Is Beautiful
Let me show you how much beauty there is in the world. All we need to do is look for it.
As you browse through my gallery, I hope I can make you believe that things will be okay. I hope you will eventually see the beauty in the world, and in yourself.
Private Gallery
A collection of my favorite works, due to the meaning, or simply personal feelings. Please feel free to browse and check them out. Each work can be clicked to view the art in full, as well as an accompanying short essay.
Works & Experiments
A collection of works that may help show “You are not alone”, “It will get better”, and “Life is beautiful”. Or simply works that help in the healing process. Please click the art to see the painting in full, as well as an accompanying short essay.