Remembrance of Youth

Do you remember the magic of our youths? The era when the world was full of wonder; anything and everything was possible. It was a time when something as simple as a sheet of paper could become a plane.

It didn’t matter what kind of paper it was, a magazine page could turn into a jet, flying faster than sound; newspaper could become a stunt plane, doing loop-de-loops all across the sky; printer paper could turn into a leisure plane, coasting and taking in all the views. It was a time when our imaginations were limitless. A time when paper could become anything, and we too, believed that we could become anything.

But now, we are no longer youths. Gone is the magic, the wonder, the innocence that allowed us to dream so vibrantly. Paper can no longer become a plane, just like we can no longer become anything. Shackled by chains of responsibility, weathered by years of experience, we’ve become grounded. Mired in place, unable to escape the day to day.

Except that’s not true. We can still turn paper into planes. We can still achieve the dreams of our youthful days. The magic is still there, dormant, lying wait. All we need to do is cast off the shackles on our mind, and reach out and grab it. Folding just one piece of paper into a plane.

Remembrance of Youth (2020), 36 x 48 inches

Aka “Paper Planes”

All it takes is one paper plane

