Concept Sketch, ink on paper
To the orchid that thrived, I’m proud of you.
It couldn’t have been easy to hold on until now; to hold on past the bitter days devoid of joy, with only the tenuous hope of a better future: a future where you don’t even need to be happy, but simply okay.
But look at you now, thriving, with branches everywhere, grasping at everything life has to offer! Blooming with majestic petals of your own, content to just exist.
Looking at you now, overflowing with beauty and passion, who would have ever imagined that you were once an orchid suffocating with rotting roots?
I know it wasn’t easy to get here. I remember the ups and downs of your journey. How hard you had to fight and struggle even after you found the right environment, as the residual damage to your roots made some days just as bleak and hopeless as before.
But you held on. You held on and fought; never giving up and never forgetting hope. You learned, after countless seasons of depression, where to fix your damaged roots.
Finally, after all your effort, you’re free from the pain. If I had to say one thing, I just wished you were more gentle and forgiving of yourself as you were healing.
But now you thrive with colors just as vibrant, if not more, than the other flowers. Now you’re resilient, definitely more so than the other flowers. Now you no longer fear waking up the next day.
I’m excited for you, as you learn to experience the world with the joy and wonder that you were meant to. I’m rejoicing at how strong and beautifully you’ve grown.
Thank you, for surviving. Thank you for not giving up, and finally blooming.