
If I could design a watch face, this is what I’d make. A reminder to rebel, with all of our might, and fight for our fate. 

We should not waste even a second, as the watch goes “tick, tick, tick”. We should remember to fight, with all of our heart, and with every tick.

Our lives are convoluted, filled with many twists and turns. So we should always remember to live, live, before we become ashes in an urn. 

Despite what we’d like, we can’t plot our lives on a chart. Yet it’s also not easy to always follow our heart. 

But it’s worth it. 

Because every second chasing our dreams, our passions, our glory, is a second we spent living fulfilled and creating our own story.

Time is not linear, just like the paths to our dreams. There will be distractions, like society, and all it makes gleam.

People will tell you not to stray, from society’s well worn path, but fuck what they say. Rebel! And choose your own path.

If I could make a watch face, this is what I’d say. But I can’t fit the words, so this design is all I’ll display.