Experimental Piece: False Success
In a capitalistic society, there are so many things subliminally shouting at us, stating what we need to be happy: Money, Fame, Love, Luxury Goods, and etc.
These are false metrics of success. When we live our lives trying to succeed in every category that the American society tells us to, we’re bound to fail. There are too many things to focus on, and fundamentally the metrics of success are not the same for everyone.
Some people value financial stability, others value making an impact, while others just want to explore what the world has to offer. The people living in this world are diverse and each group or person has their own value that should be considered their metric of success. But when we’re force fed by society values that don’t align with our own, it’s no wonder we become depressed and fail to reach fulfillment in life.
Putting too much faith in the common path set out by society, by our parents, by our teachers is an easy and quick path to unhappiness. It’s an easy pass to focusing too much on the wrong things and spreading yourself too thin.
In a nutshell, fuck conventional wisdom. Only you can decide what makes you happy.
False Success (2021), 36 x 39.5 inches